JUST FOR FUN… by Swami Premodaya
There was a hit TV show western aired throughout the 1960’s, titled “The Virginian”. It starred James Drury, Clu Gulager and Doug McClure (the only one still alive is Gulager).
Below are some related pics, from the internet. The pic on the left is Drury & Gulager. The middle pic is Doug McClure and Gulager. (McClure was the first ‘Brad Pitt’, who preceded Brad Pitt by a full 4 decades) The third pic juxtaposes Gulager in the 1960’s next to a pic of him sometime in his early to mid 80s (he is currently 93).
In the pic (standing and holding hat to his heart), does he remind you of anyone? Someone you would recognize? Yes? —No? —Not sure?…
…OK — if you do not see the resemblance, then look below. On the left is Gulager 15 years ago, when he was age 77.
On the right is another guy (I think you will easily recognize him) in a recent photo, age 77.