Mission Statement
To offer profound life, love, peace and truth affirming transformational work for individuals and groups.

Founded in 2004, JewelTree – formerly International Centers of Divine Awakening (ICODA) – is the vehicle through which Swami Premodaya carries out his God-given mission of spiritual guidance, education and upliftment to any and all spiritual seekers. JewelTree Center for Spiritual Growth & Guidance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Online Everywhere
JewelTree operates a European physical-spiritual center (Brussels, Belgium), and a global virtual spiritual center: online, interactive in real-time. You can experience Swami Premodaya - the JewelTree community - and participate directly in events and activities - from anywhere in the world.

“You can think of it as a ladder of consciousness. Psychology is the first rung, if you want to climb toward higher consciousness—understanding and overcoming your own psychology, your own unconscious and emotional issues. It’s completely possible, and in fact, I’m living proof. If I could overcome what was done to me and all that I’ve been through, then absolutely anybody can. Some try to skip over this stage, and instead, fool themselves into thinking they’ve arrived somewhere. The mind is very powerful. We can convince ourselves of just about anything, even enlightenment itself. But no step can be skipped. All the rungs have to be traversed. And a competent teacher, a loving guide, is so helpful—can make all the difference in the world. And I am so happy to serve you, to take your hand—and to offer you all that I can, all that I know, and all that I have to give you—which is nothing more and nothing less than your very own Self.”
Premodaya was born after the Holocaust, as the only child of his survivor mother and father. He spent the formative years of childhood behind barbed wire, where along with his parents, he was an inmate of post-Holocaust Germany’s most brutal and squalid refugee prison camp, Fohrenwald. After their release in 1953, the family emigrated to the United States.
“It is my great good fortune to have been born ‘a man without a country.’ It makes you a ‘citizen of the world,’ and if you’re really lucky, ultimately, a child of the Universe."
In 1978 he began a career in clinical psychology, and has worked with all levels of mental illness and conscious growth ever since. He holds a Master’s degree in Psychology, and in 1996 was appointed Director of Outpatient Psychology and Psychiatry at world-renowned Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills.
Premodaya’s initial awakening occurred at age twelve, when he became a “dweej” (a Hindu term meaning “twice born” and denoting an experience of direct awakening to the spiritual dimension). Twenty years later, in a moment of profound relaxation, a series of dramatic and uninvited mystical experiences occurred, including a full experience of death. This torrent of spiritual happenings and insights poured relentlessly into his mind and body for a year. He emerged able to see deeply into others, past, present and future. These mystic experiences brought him to the feet of his spiritual Master, world-famous Indian guru Osho, who named him Swami Premodaya.
Two decades later he met his other Master, Gangaji, a spiritual teacher from California known and beloved in many countries. Her presence sparked a powerful energy transformation, culminating three years later in his final sanctification on August 1, 2003, from which he emerged experiencing himself, and all beings, fully as ‘Love Incarnate.’
Now when Premodaya works directly with people, they report profound experiences of new insight, transformation, personal growth and spiritual advancement. To expand this work and reach out even further, JewelTree was created. 30 years of professional psychology practice, coupled with 40 years of devoted spiritual practice, have come together in this gifted teacher, this Bodhisattva, uniquely qualified to guide and assist others through all levels of seeking and finding.
Influences & Spiritual Masters

Formally initiated as a direct disciple of Osho in 1983.

Extensive work with Gangaji, in the tradition of Indian saint Ramana Maharshi.
Community / Staff & Volunteers

Today, JewelTree and Swami Premodaya serve seekers of all stages and ages, 2 to 86 – men, women, and children from all walks of life who quest for Truth, Self-realization and God-consciousness. Under Premodaya’s direction, JewelTree offers an ever-expanding variety of programs, trainings, international tours, retreats, workshops, and classes toward successful living, divine love, universal wisdom and happiness.
Be a part of JewelTree’s mission. You are very welcome here, and we deeply appreciate your help. JewelTree is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving humanity, and could not exist without the tireless effort of its hard-working staff, and its truly essential cadre of volunteer/service practitioners.
• Video Review Team • Event Announcers
• Proofreading • Hosting an event
• Editors • Outreach
Swami Devaraj, Service Coordinator
Shantidasa Dev, Assistant Service Coordinator
"Due to Premodaya, literally every single day, I feel happier and happier, and more and more peaceful."
-Nova Natan, Psychologist
"The best possible support for letting go of the false and being your true self. If you want real freedom, real truth, this is the place to be."
-Shanti Grace, Administrator
"I have attended many satsangs with many different teachers and I can honestly say Swami Premodaya has a unique gift to share. The meetings he holds are filled with love and openness. I am always touched to see people open up and shine as the truth of who they really are is revealed."
-Thea Nathan, Reiki Master
"My experience with JewelTree has been vast, tremendous, rapid, and excellent. Swami Premodaya's wisdom, grace, kindness, gentle way, and love create a comfortable environment for truth. I am astounded as to the quickness of my personal growth and to the depths of my life transformation. Truly the life I have studied about in so many books is not only a reality, but it has become my reality. I am deeply grateful for my time with Swami Premodaya, JewelTree, and its practitioners. As beautiful as all this is, words simply are not enough to describe the experience."
-Sky Nathan, Film Industry

Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya
JewelTree Founder

Swami Devaraj
Service Coordinator, Board of Directors Treasurer
Partner, Bain & Company
Event Broadcaster & Moderator
Project Manager, Pacific Pervious
Marketing, Course Facilitator
Clinical Psychologist, Private practice
Assistant Service Coordinator
Admissions Advisor, ThriveDX
Shanti Grace
Editor, Course Facilitator
Executive Assistant to the Dean
College of Science and Health
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science
Board of Directors Secretary
Professional Photographer

Shomari Dev
Administrator of JewelTree Brussels

Ananda Dev
Director of JewelTree Brussels
Events Announcer
Clinical Psychologist, Private practice