Swami Premodaya
Founder of JewelTree Center for Spiritual Growth & Guidance

Aden Sletta
Legacy-Holder, Advanced Certified JewelTree Practitioner

Swami Sky
Lineage-Holder, Advanced Certified JewelTree Practitioner
The Certified JewelTree Practitioner (CJP) Training Program (PTP) is designed for those disciples who wish to participate more directly in Swami Premodaya's Divine mission of being "available to people spiritually" – and receive the intensive and thorough training, education and practice for developing optimum skills and effective abilities which will allow you to really help – to deliver true spiritual seva (selfless service) – and which reflects the famed Hippocratic oath which has been used for the last two-and-a-half centuries: "First, above all, do no harm".
Swami Premodaya's methods and techniques are unique, completely original, and devised and developed solely by him. All elements of your Practitioner Training will be from that (available exclusively at JewelTree). The PTP will provide you with a thorough grounding in Swamiji's ways of genuinely and effectively serving others, including (but not limited to) mastery of the necessary underlying principles:
- genuine respectfulness;
- the ability to suspend all personal value judgements, agendas, motives, biases, etc., when serving others;
- the demonstrated ability to not bring harm to anyone being served. This includes the ability to not succumb to or act out 'negative emotions' such as anger, envy, blame, fear, aggression, projection, passive-aggressiveness, falseness, withholding behavior, egoism, and other learned and conditioned attitudes and behaviors of self-concern, self-focus, self-aggrandizement and/or debasement, self-importance, selfishness, etc.;
- verified development of the 'second nature' understanding that all actual helpfulness and spiritual service must be "selfless service" – as well as the converse: the understanding that service rendered in anything other than the "selfless" position, will by definition, always represent "service of self" (which obviously, isn't "service").
- serving is better than not serving at all; selfless service is far superior to ordinary serving; best of all is selfless service to, or in the name of, one's own Guru, because it is the highest form of spiritual practice in existence – bar none. It is essential, as the very pinnacle of Guru-Bhakti Yoga.
- Open only to current disciples
- Successful completion of all 3 sections of the ‘Beyond Self’ Training Program (BST) as well as a minimum of 2 years of the Mystery School Curriculum (MSC).
- Similar to the MSC and the ABST, the PTP program is based on an "open enrollment" system, i.e., entrance can be at any time; the curriculum is flexible, and not based on pre-set instruction or managed experiences.
- The PTP is a full immersion and full commitment program, the same as pursuing any credential of higher learning and specialized training.
- CJP is a self-accredited certification (i.e., issued exclusively by JewelTree) and is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, any outside accreditation organization or educational institution – just as other spiritual organizations, fraternal or fellowship groups, churches, etc., operate their own ecclesiastical training and/or educational programs, consistent with their own particular (secular or nonsecular) systems, practices and views.
By application
Tuition paid for the Practitioner Training Program is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Submit a request for an enrollment/application form