Does everyone have a mission in this life?
Swami Premodaya:
Do you have a mission? No question. I guarantee you that you have a mission in this life. I don’t know how to say it other than, “I guarantee it.” I don’t know what good my guarantee does, but there is no question, from my eyes, that you have an absolute unique role in the Divine plan. Can you figure it out? Not with your brain. Can you find the method for it becoming more clear to you? Absolutely, but it won’t be by figuring it out. It will be by some other method, other than brainpower. If it’s not clear to you, it will be by some other method. I’ll give you one clue that occurs to me, which is, that if you know any piece of it whatsoever, any piece, any aspect, if any part of it is ringing in you, absolutely know it to be true, absolutely trust that fragment and follow that fragment towards the bigger picture. Trust that fragment like mother’s milk, because what we tend to do is know a fragment and then say (because we don’t know the whole answer), “Well, that fragment doesn’t mean much.” That fragment means everything. That fragment will take you all the way. If you have a fragment, and most people do, embrace that fragment with your whole life and you will quickly and without a lot of fuss and muss, discover your one-hundred-percent mission. But if you question it even a little bit, if you don’t give your whole heart to it, it can’t lead you all the way. Give your whole heart to it, trust it, and it will lead you to the whole answer.
People will frequently come here, and they will talk about this, and they will say they have no idea. But when you talk to them a little bit, when you question them a little bit, they actually have some fragment of an idea. It doesn’t take more than that. You have to trust it; you have to follow it further; you have to start going into it, start living it, start living from it, start implementing it, and suddenly the horizon is much closer. I suspect that’s the situation for the majority of people here tonight. I suspect you may have been telling yourself for a long time that you don’t really know what your part is in the Divine plan and I suspect that is a self-deception. I think that most of you who are here tonight have at least some vague sense. Embrace that sense one hundred percent; it will be right.